Fitxategi hau Wikimedia Commons biltegikoa da, eta beste proiektu batzuetan erabil daiteke.
Behean dago fitxategiaren deskribapeneko orria.
Irudi hau birsortu beharko litzateke SVG irudi bektorial moduan. Honek abantaila asko ematen ditu, ikus Commons:Media for cleanup (ingelesez) informazio gehiagorako. Irudi honen SVG bertsioa eskuragarri badago, mesedez Commonsera igo. Igo ostean, ordezkatu txantiloi hau txantiloi honegatik {{vector version available|irudiaren izen berria.svg}} irudi honetan.
Nik, lan honen egile eskubideen jabeak, lan hau domeinu publikoan jartzen dut. Mundu osoan du eragina honek. Estatu batzuetan beharbada hori ez da legez posible izango. Halakoetan: Edonori ematen diot lan hau edozertarako erabiltzeko eskubidea, inolako baldintzarik gabe, legeak nahitaez ezarritako baldintzak izan ezik.
This is a work of fan art, namely an unauthorised artistic representation of elements or characters in an original work of fiction such as a movie, TV show, computer game or comic book/graphic novel. It is believed not to violate any copyrights held by the owner of the rights in the work of fiction, but re-use of this file may be subject to legal constraints in some jurisdictions. In particular, the rights owner may have trademark protection, and may also be able to prevent certain types of re-use by the laws of passing off and/or unfair competition.
For details as to when this tag may be used, see Commons:Fan art.
Before using this content, please ensure that you have the freedom to do so under the laws which apply in the circumstances of your intended use. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you do not infringe someone else's legal rights. See our general disclaimer.
This is an informational tag and not a license tag. A normal copyright tag is required as well.
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