Administrari izateko
aldatuAupa Barrie, nire txokoan utzi zenuen mezua irakurri berri dut. Administrari izateko zer egin behar duzun azaltzen duen orri bat dago. Antza denez, orri horretako eztabaida gunean egin behar duzu eskaria.
Baina Wikiesanak gaur egun duen mugimendu ezarekin ez dakit hori nahiko izango ote den. Administrarien zerrenda behintzat utzik dago...
Zerbait gehiago jakiten badut, esango dizut :-) --Txopi 16:14, 3 May 2006 (UTC)
Wikiquote interlanguage communication
aldatuHi, I'm Nemo from the Italian language Wikiquote and I'm writing you (via a bot) because you're an administrator of Wikiquote in this language; please excuse me if you've received this message more than once.
The simple thing that I want you to know is that Wikiquote has an official mailing list, Wikiquote-l, which can be used to communicate and discuss matters which interest all Wikiquotes. This mailing list was last "advertised" about three or four years ago, before many of us joined Wikiquote, and is currently almost not participated at all by Wikiquote users and very low-traffic. I ask you to subscribe, to participate in discussions and to write about your Wikiquote.
I love Wikiquote, as you probably do, and I think that we should be proud of what we do here, share our experiences and good practices to make Wikiquote better and raise awareness of it.
I remind you that Meta-Wiki is the best place for Wikimedia projects coordination, and it contains several pages about Wikiquote, and specifically this talk page which can be used to discuss about Wikiquote if you don't like mailing lists.
I hope that this message has been useful for you. Cheers, Nemo (write me) 10:12, 14 Abendua 2010 (UTC)
Tu estado como administrador
aldatuHola. Soy un steward. Una nueva política relacionada con la remoción de permisos avanzados (administrador, burócrata, etc.) recientemente fue adoptada por consenso comunitario. De acuerdo a esta política, los stewards están revisando la actividad de los administradores en wikis sin política de inactividad.
Reúnes los criterios de inactividad (ninguna edición y ninguna acción administrativa en dos años) en euwikiquote, donde eres administrador. Como euwikiquote no tiene un proceso propio de revisión de la actividad de administradores, aplica el procedimiento global.
Si deseas conservar tus permisos, debes notificar a tu comunidad que los stewards te enviaron información acerca de tu inactividad para discutir el tema. Tras la decisión de la comunidad, si esta desea que mantengas tus derechos, por favor contacta a los stewards en m:Stewards' noticeboard y enlaza la discusión local, donde se exprese el deseo de que conserves los permisos y se demuestre una necesidad de mantenerlos.
Los stewards evaluaremos las respuestas. Si no hay respuesta alguna después de un mes aproximadamente, procederemos a remover tus permisos administrativos. En caso de duda, evaluaremos las respuestas y dejaremos la decisión a la comunidad local para su comentario y revisión. Si tienes alguna pregunta, contáctanos en m:Stewards' noticeboard.
Your account will be renamed
The developer team at Wikimedia is making some changes to how accounts work, as part of our on-going efforts to provide new and better tools for our users like cross-wiki notifications. These changes will mean you have the same account name everywhere. This will let us give you new features that will help you edit and discuss better, and allow more flexible user permissions for tools. One of the side-effects of this is that user accounts will now have to be unique across all 900 Wikimedia wikis. See the announcement for more information.
Unfortunately, your account clashes with another account also called Barrie. To make sure that both of you can use all Wikimedia projects in future, we have reserved the name Barrie~euwikiquote that only you will have. If you like it, you don't have to do anything. If you do not like it, you can pick out a different name.
Your account will still work as before, and you will be credited for all your edits made so far, but you will have to use the new account name when you log in.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Keegan Peterzell
Community Liaison, Wikimedia Foundation
01:13, 18 Martxoa 2015 (UTC)
aldatuThis account has been renamed as part of single-user login finalisation. If you own this account you can log in using your previous username and password for more information. If you do not like this account's new name, you can choose your own using this form after logging in: Berezi:GlobalRenameRequest. -- Keegan (WMF) (talk)
04:39, 17 Apirila 2015 (UTC)